Education Activities for Kids - Lambton


Best match results for education activities for kids in Lambton + 30km.

    Education Museums

    Learn about the unique human and natural history of Lambton County. Explore eight buildings; including slaughterhouse, blacksmith shop, school and pioneer home. Discover the only remaining horse-drawn ambulance in Ontario, the largest collection of pressed glass water pitchers in Canada and a notable collection of early 19th century furniture. See rare John Goodison steam engines and a collection of stoves made by the Doherty Stove Co. The museum contains activities for children and a gift shop... Read more

    Other related businesses in and around Lambton

    Wallaceburg is a beautiful town on the banks of the Sydenham River with a rich heritage from its pioneer founding as the Baldoon Settlement. See Wallaceburg’s Industrial Revolution with the rise of Canada and Dominion Sugar Company, the Wallaceburg Brass Company and the Sydenham Glass Company. Witness the supernatural of the Baldoon Mystery. Come and view some of our 85,000 artifacts and learn more about this town's rich history. There is also an Art gallery where local artists display their... Read more

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